Akosombo Dam Spillage: A nightmare that needs no repeat but restrategizing


  • Anthony Amoah
  • Daniella Delali Sedegah
  • Fatima Eshun
  • Eunice Stella Nyarko
  • Frank Kyei-Arthur
  • Theodora Akweley Asiamah
  • Jacob Kwamina Dodoo
  • Robert Kwame Senu
  • Emmanuel Angmor
  • Veronica Akpene De-Souza
  • Joyce Amfo




Ghana’s largest source of hydroelectric power supply comes from the Akosombo Dam in the Volta Region. Neighbouring countries such as Benin and Togo have equally benefited from the power supplies from this dam. Unfortunately, due to climate change and other domestic factors, it is becoming challenging for managers of the dam to accurately predict the water levels and the impact of spillages. Although the most recent spillage was underestimated, it has been very destructive, with devastating consequences, leading to the loss of belongings and livelihoods as communities were totally swept away. Using a team of experts and a desktop review approach, this policy brief investigates the effects and suggests relevant policy directions for addressing them.


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How to Cite

Amoah, A. ., Sedegah, D. D. ., Eshun, F. ., Nyarko, E. S. ., Kyei-Arthur, F. ., Asiamah, T. A. ., Dodoo, J. K. ., Senu, R. K. ., Angmor, E. ., De-Souza, V. A. ., & Amfo, J. . (2024). Akosombo Dam Spillage: A nightmare that needs no repeat but restrategizing. Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (JESD), 4(1). https://doi.org/10.55921/jesd.v4i1.105

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